The Shanti Mantra “Sarveshaam Swastir Bhavatu”: NJ Reddy, YPV Sadhana

The Shanti Mantra “Sarveshaam Swastir Bhavatu”: NJ Reddy, YPV Sadhana

FPJ Web DeskUpdated: Thursday, April 15, 2021, 03:49 PM IST
NJ Reddy |

Sarveshaam Swastir Bhavatu is a shanti mantra derived from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. It’s a mantra asking for bountiful blessings of wellness, opulence and peace for the whole world. Mantras like these, loving kindness meditations, such as, Planetary Peace Meditation or Metta Meditation and prayers similar to Great Invocation, are intended to channelize the Divine Blessings and energies to the entire Mother Earth, to alleviate the suffering of all. By such practice and becoming a conduit for the benefit of all, you experience great joy, fulfilment and feel purposeful.

The Mantra:

OM Sarveshaam Swastir Bhavatu

Sarveshaam Shantir Bhavatu

Sarveshaam Poornam Bhavatu

Sarveshaam Mangalam Bhavatu

OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti Hi

Literal Translation of the Words

Sarveshaam : All beings or everything without exception

Swastir : Good Health or well-being and happiness

Bhavatu : May there be or let there be

Shanti : Peace

Poornam : Completeness, perfection or fulfilment

Mangalam : Prosperity, abundance or Spiritual success

OM : Manifested and unmanifested Supreme Parabrahman

Shanti, Shanti, Shanti Hi : May there be peace, peace and peace

Meaning of the Shanti Mantra

1. “OM Sarveshaam Swastir Bhavatu”:

May there be good health, happiness and well-being in all.

2. “Sarveshaam Shantir Bhavatu”:

May there be peace in all.

3. “Sarveshaam Poornam Bhavatu”:

Everyone must become complete or whole at each stage. There are levels or degrees of completeness. May there be completeness in the Causal body. By developing the Causal body, you go to the Intuitional plane. That’s Poornam! That’s first level of development. Then, accomplish wholeness in the Intuitional plane, followed by fullness on the Atmic plane and finally, at the Paramatma level as well. The prayer is for everyone to experience it!

4. “Sarveshaam Mangalam Bhavatu”:

As mentioned above, Mangalam means auspicious, good, peace, bliss, oneness, prosperity, spirituality, success or happiness. May everyone have these at physical level and all other planes of existence. Mangalam is called Metta in Pali. Another term for Mangalam is Badhraani.

5. “OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti Hi”:

May we achieve peace from the disturbances that are known, unknown or inside us and at all lower states of Jagrut, Swapna or Sushupti.

To elaborate, we are asking for peace from all the known causes of suffering. Like, we are in discomfort when someone bothers us or say, we have disturbed someone that we know or remember about. Also, we are requesting for peace from the anguish that is not clear to us. For instance, we have hurt someone unknowingly or have forgotten about it or some unknown fears and concerns. Yet, the consequences of distress are felt. Lastly, we call for peace from any uneasiness arising from inside of us. For example, not able to forgive our own self or some disquiet within. If we understand the practice of Forgiveness, we can use it to forgive others, ask for forgiveness and forgive ourselves. Then, there will be peace at all the three levels.

We are further wanting peace in the lower three quarters of OM. That is, at Physical, Emotional and Mental or Jagrut, Swapna and Sushupti. In any case, there is peace in the higher planes of Intuitional and above. So, we are wishing peace, well-being, mangalam, good health, happiness and poornam from there to be brought down.

You may join our daily online sessions to practice breathing exercises to improve your health, calm yourself emotionally and strengthen yourself; Forgiveness Sadhana to let go of the pain and gain peace; and loving kindness meditations, such as, Planetary Peace Meditation, Metta Meditation or Great Invocation to flood yourself, your environment and the entire planet with peace and Divine Blessings. You can also experience a powerful guided Divine Healing during these sessions. These sessions are being conducted regularly @ Timings: Morning 7.15 AM, Afternoon 1.00 PM, Evening 6.30 PM IST.

Furthermore, you may participate in the special guided Divine Group Healing daily, for fifteen minutes, at 10 am IST, by registering here for free. It is open for all who need healing by being receptive during this time or for all those who want to contribute to the needy by being a channel to perform Group Healing or for both.

You may also try our YPV Sadhana app which is available in various languages for free. It has guided audios for the breathing exercises, Forgiveness Sadhana and Planetary Peace Meditation. These techniques also boost and sustain your immune system.


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