Residents of Kalyani Nagar in Pune are enduring sleepless nights and mounting frustration as Friday and Saturday nights, typically reserved for celebration and joy, have transformed into distressing episodes. The relentless noise pollution and disturbances emanating from pubs, open-air lounge bars, rooftop restaurants, and roadside eateries operating well past midnight are wreaking havoc on their peace of mind. Despite lodging numerous complaints with the Pune Police Commissioner, Yerwada Police Station, and Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC), the lack of decisive action has fueled suspicions of political favouritism shielding these establishments.
Residents share the ordeal with FPJ
Speaking with FPJ, Monica Sharma, a resident, expressed her concerns about the blatant violation of the Supreme Court's ruling on decibel levels and time limits. "The booming sound generated by the amplifiers and boom boxes used by these establishments exceeds permissible limits, causing immense distress and health hazards such as sleep apnea. Additionally, these venues continue to serve alcohol beyond authorized hours without facing consequences," she added.
Another resident highlighted various issues related to the establishments, stating, "There is an illegal use of electricity, firecrackers, and an alarming risk of fire incidents due to overcrowding. Conducting immediate fire audits at these restaurants is crucial to prevent future accidents, as demonstrated by the incident at Marigold IT park where 40 individuals had to be rescued on 29th May 2023. Furthermore, it is important to note that rooftop restaurants are illegal, as they did not obtain the necessary NOC from nearby societies. Despite the police recommending license cancellation to the PMC and Excise department, no action has been taken. Recently, a young boy was severely beaten up by assailants, forcing him to hide for his life. The rise in violence necessitates holding these commercial establishments accountable and imposing severe punishments."
"Some Rooftop/Open Terrace restaurants have a history of a criminal record which necessitates immediate license cancellation," expressed another resident. He highlighted the owners' repeated offenses, demonstrating a complete disregard for the law since the inception of their establishments. "Complaints lodged with police marshals provide temporary relief, but the disturbances resurface as soon as the marshals leave. To ensure a lasting solution, the resident called for the permanent cancellation of the restaurant's license, seeking assistance in restoring peace to their homes," he added.
Repercussions of post-party activities
Resident Sumit Karnik drew attention to the repercussions of post-party activities. "Additionally, underage patrons are served alcohol, and establishments offer hookah services. Residents have witnessed instances of drunken driving, violent incidents, inappropriate behavior such as vomiting and urinating on roads by intoxicated patrons, the sale and consumption of banned drugs and substances in secluded areas, and the presence of discarded needles and empty alcohol bottles near parks and schools. Bullying by owners and managers of commercial entities has become a recurring issue when residents voice their concerns. Patrons openly carry alcohol bottles and continue drinking into the early hours of the morning, often leading to fights among intoxicated groups. Late-night screaming and shouting by patrons upon exiting these establishments pose significant safety and security concerns, making it difficult to identify genuine threats to the safety and modesty of women," he added.
Nilesh Chavan expressed the gravity of the situation, with residents facing the same problems every Friday and Saturday, despite numerous complaints, without any action being taken by the authorities. "From evening until early morning, the noise pollution and disturbances disrupt personal and professional lives, causing health issues and depriving people of sleep," he said.
Tingre to take the issue to Assembly
Meanwhile, Vadgaon Sheri MLA Sunil Tingre shared his recent meeting with the Pune police commissioner, highlighting the numerous complaints from residents that have gone unanswered by the police. If the police fail to take strict action, he intends to raise the issue in the state assembly. He also pointed out that the police have filed cases only against the working staff of the Rooftop/Open Terrace restaurant, neglecting the responsibility of the owners.
According to Tingre, during the meeting with Pune Police Commissioner Retesh Kumarr cited their preoccupation with Ashadhi wari arrangements, but assured that strict action would be taken.
However, no response was received from Zone IV DCP Shashikant Borate till the time of this news release.