Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath received a warm welcome in Indore on Wednesday. He paid tributes to statue of Lokmata Devi Ahilya Bai Holkar at Rajwada on the occasion of Ahilya Utsav.
During the visit, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath was presented with a statue of Lokmata Devi Ahilya Bai Holkar.
Indore's Member of Parliament Shankar Lalwani, Mayor Pushyamitra Bhargav were present on the occasion.
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The event witnessed a massive turnout, with a large crowd of enthusiastic supporters and leaders from various political backgrounds coming together to greet the UP Chief Minister.
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The traffic remained diverted on various routes for easy passage and the convenience of the people. On Wednesday, the senior traffic management police officer took stock of the situation and gave the necessary directives to the subordinates.
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According to the police, vehicular movement was restricted on Airport, Airport gate, the road in front of Aerodrome police station to Kalani Nagar, Wireless T Kila Maidan, Marimata, Bhagirathpura T, Shivalay Marg, Kishanpura Chhattri, Rajwada fruit market and Rajwada and Mrignayani squares.
Keeping in mind the programme at Rajwada, the Rajwada area remained a no-vehicle zone from 12:00 noon till the end of the programme. There was parking facilities in Krishnapura Chhatri new parking for the people coming for the said programme.