After Brahmastra: Part One - Shiva, Bollywood power couple Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor were said to share screen space once again in Nitesh Tiwari's upcoming project Ramayan. Alia was reportedly roped in to play Sita, while Ranbir was going to essay the role of Lord Ram. However, a report of Alia walking out of the film is doing rounds in the media.
According to Pinkvilla, Alia who was supposed to play Sita quit the project owing to date issues. That being said, Ranbir is very much a part of the film, and KGF fame Yash is set to play Ravan.
Earlier reports suggested that Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayan is backed by one of the prominent visual effect companies in the world. The film is assembling one of the biggest casts ever to have come on the Indian screen. The shoot of the film will begin by the end of this year. It will be made on a massive scale, with high-octane visuals.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Alia was last seen in Heart Of Stone which marked her Hollywood debut. The film starred Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan. It was released on Netflix on August 11. She also has Jee Le Zaraa with Katrina Kaif and Priyanka Chopra Jonas in the works.
Besides that, Alia will be reportedly sharing screen space with Kareena Kapoor Khan for a Dharma production project. A couple of days back, Kareena and Alia surprised their fans by dropping a set of pictures on social media. The images showed Alia and Kareena posing together in ethnic ensembles. "Can it get any better...P.S. Can someone please cast us in a film together...even though we spend most of our time on set thinking," they captioned the post.