Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh): Madhya Pradesh High Court, on Monday, rejected the bail petition of two youths accused of dog-chaining a man and assaulting him in Bhopal. Apparently, in June, a video went viral on the social media where the accused chained their childhood friend in Teela Jamalpura area of Bhopal and forced him to bark like a dog and tortured him.
According to information, 6 accused were arrested in the case, out of which 2, Bilala and Salauddin appealed in High Court.
As the incident created a huge stir in the nation, the High Court during the hearing raised a strong question, “Was the purpose of the criminals to incite riots in the country?”
The High Court refused to provide bail benefits to the petitioners, as they are already involved in such a serious case.
Government Advocate Akshay Namdev, in this matter, informed that the case comes under Madhya Pradesh Dharma Swatantrata Adhiniyam 1968 and sections of Juvenile Justice Act 2015. Also, the case was registered with serious charges of assault and abduction.
Advocate said, “Keeping the seriousness of the case in mind, High Court did not find it appropriate to provide bail to both the petitioners, and hence, rejected their petition.”
Earlier, on Jun 20, a video of assault on a young man in Bhopal went viral on social media. After which the police arrested 6 Muslim youths and the houses of the accused were also demolished.