The Pushpa fever hasn't faded away, from celebrities to commoners trying the cool moves from the Tollywood film. The video of comedian Abishek Kumar and Nirmal Pillai grooving to the 'Srivalli' beat along their audience at Hyderabad is winning hearts of netizens.
The talented duo performed in Hyderabad for the first time on February 25 at Rangbhoomi, Gachibowli. The finale of the session was marked in style, with the trending dance moves from Pushpa: The Rise.
In the video shared on Instagram by the artist, we can see Abishek, who is also popular among fans as Mrs. Janaki, along Pillai grooving to the beats of the Srivalli song from the Allu Arjun film.
"Srivalli with a live audience?! YES PLEASE 🙌 How our Hyderabad Crowd work show ended, " read the video caption. "Apparently audience went back home with different pair of shoes. IYKYK," Abishek further added with references to the viral steps of the song, wherein one's footwear slips off while moving across in style.
Since post earlier this day, the clip has gathered over 126K views, 28K likes and flooded with comments.
Watch the video, right here: