Ganesh Utsav is being celebrated in India, and Mumbai is vibing in the festival mood at its best. A video of a policeman enjoying the celebrations in the city and playing the drums during the auspicious occasion has surfaced online. The clip has impressed people on the internet and gone viral.
In the video, the on-duty cop was seen involving himself in the Ganesh Aagman (Welcoming of Lord Ganesh idol) on the streets of Mumbai. He was in his uniform when he took to beat the drums to enjoy the festive mood. The Mumbai Police vibed to energetic music along with the pandal members celebrating there.
Take a look at the video right here:
Netizens react
Some identified the cop in the comments section as Sudhir Kusalkar. Netizens praised him for being involved with the general public and taking the festive mood to greater heights. Fire and heart emojis were shared by people appreciating the cop's impressive act.