Krishna Janmashtami vibes have already hit the country. A video, believed to have originated from Odissa, shows a myna trying to chant the holy words "Hare Krishna" ahead of the upcoming Hindu festival.
The recent video shared on YouTube by multiple users shows the bird repeating some holy chants associated to Lord Krishna. As a devotee, who probably filmed the video, says "Hare Krishna," "Hari Bol", the yellow-brown bird energetic attempts to sync its voice.
The clip has hinted that it isn't just parrots who try to mimic sound vibrations of humans. In the wake of Krishna Janmashtami, the bird is being highly regarded for its ability to recite the auspicious words; the video is getting forwarded again and again by netizens to go viral.
Watch viral video:
Lord Krishna is worshipped by millions of devotees. For his love for butter, he is fondly called Makkhan Chor. His appearance day is celebrated as Krishna Janmashtami, and is one of the most enjoyed festivals by all ages. This year, the festival is being celebrated by some on August 18 while other observe it a day later.