Param Vir Chakra Subedar Major Sanjay Kumar was on a flight to Pune when the airline staff felt proud of having him onboard. They greeted him with joy, and also presented a token of admiration to him. The pilot took to announcement that the flyers were travelling along with the living Kargil Hero as he said," We're flying with a hero."
IndiGo tweeted a video from the flight and it shows the staff honouring the Indian soldier with grace. The footage has no sooner gone viral on social media. WATCH VIDEO
The Param Vir Chakra which was awarded to Subedar Major Sanjay Kumar, India's highest military decoration, for displaying distinguished acts of valour during the Kargil War 1999. The Kargil Hero was one of the 21 recipients of the Param Vir Chakra for the acts of valor during the said war.
Sanjay Kumar PVC happens to among the three living recipients of the award including Honorary Captain Bana Singh, and Subedar Major Yogendra Singh Yadav.
Kargil Vijay Diwas is almost on the calendar, the day when India marked victory over Pakistan in the Kargil War for ousting Pakistani Forces from their occupied positions on the mountain tops of Northern Kargil District in Ladakh in 1999.