In a tragic flight crash that took place during a quirky gender reveal party in Mexico recently, the pilot flying the plane and spraying the colour pink in the sky to mark the occasion got killed. Identified as 32-year-old Luis Angel from Navaloto was piloting the aircraft (a Piper PA-25-235 Pawnee) when it suddenly started to nosedive with one of its wings bungling mid-air.
People on the ground were seen celebrating and cheering the to-be parents as the stunt unfolded, little did they know that things had gone unlikely to result in a fatal crash. The couple was involved in a kiss to enjoy the gender reveal as the pink water was sprayed from the flight, followed by a mood of celebration and cheer from the invitees.
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The accident was reported to the authorities on Saturday evening at around 6.30 p.m. Emergency services were called in to perform first aid on the pilot who was found lying in the wreckage after the aircraft crashed. When taken to a nearby hospital, he was declared dead.
According to the Aviation Safety Network, the left-hand wing failed after an emergency hopper release of (pink-dyed) water during a general reveal party. An investigation into the incident was launched.
While the Mexican party was about the gender reveal of the expected (unborn) kid, one must note that in India, prenatal sex determination is illegal.