Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Mohan Yadav inaugurated the country's first healthy and clean street food hub 'Prasadam' and 'Avantika Haat Bazaar' built at Mahakal Lok in Ujjain on Sunday. Union health and family welfare minister Mansukh Mandaviya was also present at the occasion. He also took stock of Prasadam, Avantika Haat market and enjoyed the delicacies here.
Before attending the program, Mandaviya reached Mahakal Temple along with CM Mohan Yadav and deputy CM Rajendra Shukla and offered prayers there.
As per the programme, CM Yadav and union minister Mandaviya along with other public representatives performed the bhoomi pujan and inauguration of 187 works worth Rs 218.76 crore. This includes bhoomi pujan of 36 health institutions of the state worth Rs 118.07 crore, inauguration of 150 health institutions of the state worth Rs 98.94 crore and inauguration of Ujjain Food Street Prasadam which costs Rs 1.75crore.
During his address, Mandaviya asked CM Yadav to take the lead for development in health, infrastructure and pharma sectors in the state and the central government will not leave any shortage of resources or money.
Manhit app launched
A website of Healthy and Hygienic Food Street was also launched by the Chief Minister and Union Minister.
​Apart from this, Manhit app, designed to understand mental health and give suggestions based on it, was also launched.