Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh): As promised by CM Mohan Yadav, 5 lakh laddoos will be dispatched from Mahakal Temple to Ayodhya Ram Mandir tomorrow. As many as 4 lakh ladoos have already been packed and kept at Mahakaleshwar temple, and another 1 lakh are being placed in packets to be sent on Friday to Ayodhya for the huge Ram temple's consecration on January 22.
As each of the ladoos weighs 50 grams, the total prasad will weigh 250 quintals.
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150 people worked for 5 days
A priest at the temple informed that 150 employees of the temple as well as representatives from social organisations spent five days preparing the laddus after MP Chief Minister Mohan Yadav declared that the 900-kilometre-distant Ayodhya would receive the ladoos as prasad of "Baba Mahakal''. It is said that the laddus were prepared by a special unit on the grounds of the Mahakal’s temple.
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At a press conference held on January 12 in Bhopal, CM Yadav announced, "We are going to send five lakh laddus from the famous Mahakaleshwar Mandir, Ujjain, to Ayodhya for the consecration ceremony of the Ram temple on January 22." Yadav said that the Ayodhya temple had been destroyed by Mughal ruler Babar. He had questioned how Madhya Pradesh could miss out on the celebrations now that it had been restored.
300 tons of the best aromatic rice from neighbouring Chhattisgarh have been delivered to Ayodhya for the Ram temple's consecration ceremony.