Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) secretary Jay Shah confirmed that German sporting goods giant Adidas will sponsor the new kit for the Indian cricket team, moving forward. Adidas will succeed Kewal Kiran Clothing Ltd, maker of Killer Jeans, which swooped in as an interim sponsor as the then-sponsor Mobile Premier League Sports (MPL Sports) withdrew the deal midway.
"I'm pleased to announce @BCCI's partnership with @adidas as a kit sponsor. We are committed to growing the game of cricket and could not be more excited to partner with one of the world's leading sportswear brands. Welcome aboard, @adidas," Jay Shah wrote on his official Twitter handle on Monday.
Killer Jeans' current sponsorship will end on May 31, after which the Adidas deal will take effect. MPL was India's kit sponsor prior to Killer Jeans. Killer, a clothing company, took up the kit sponsorship from MPL, which planned to end its relationship in 2023. MPL shelled out 6.5 lakh each match to the Indian board and 9 crores in royalties for a three-year contract.
Fans could see India's new ODI jersey in the 2023 World Cup:
The BCCI is also looking for a new principal sponsor, following rumours that the present sponsor, Byju's, was likely to quit its deal before the November 2023 deadline. This year's 50-over Cricket World Cup will take place in India from October to November. Given that this is World Cup year, fans may soon see India's brand-new ODI kit.
Nevertheless, the ICC is yet to unveil the schedule of the tournament and is likely to do so after IPL 2023. According to the tentative schedule, the event will start on October 5th and end on November 19th.