The 2023 ICC Men's ODI World Cup is set to take place in India from October to November, with the tournament being held across multiple cities. Although a recent report by the Indian Express revealed that the BCCI has shortlisted 13 venues for the event, no official confirmation has been made as yet.
Sethi seeks reciprocation
Preparations for the tournament in India are currently underway. However, there are doubts over Pakistan's participation in the event. According to a report by PTI, the chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB), Najam Sethi, will ask BCCI Secretary Jay Shah to provide a "written guarantee" about India's participation in the 2025 ICC Champions Trophy in Pakistan before committing to their national team playing their ODI World Cup games in India.
The report also suggests that the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad has been shortlisted as the venue for the India-Pakistan World Cup match, but only if Pakistan decides to travel to India.
With the Asian Cricket Council (ACC), chaired by Jay Shah, not confirming the proposed "hybrid model" for the upcoming Asia Cup, which would have seen India play in the UAE and Pakistan play in their home country, Sethi has reportedly been advised to take a tough stance.
Final call on Asia Cup
Sethi will travel to Dubai to hold meetings with officials from the ACC and the ICC. During his visit, Sethi is expected to lobby for support for Pakistan's stance that they will not play their World Cup matches in India unless the BCCI and ICC provide written guarantees that India will come to Pakistan to play in the 2025 Champions Trophy.
"Sethi is expected to make it very clear to the ACC members that either they accept Pakistan's hybrid proposal or the PCB will not take part in the competition this year if it is moved from Pakistan."
The PCB chairman is unwilling to accept more delays in the scheduling of the Asia Cup.