Bhimashankar, known for being one of the twelve Jyotirlingas, witnessed an unexpected incident when a dispute unfolded between two groups of priests. The conflict originally stemmed from a disagreement involving priests responsible for offering flowers and abhishek to the revered Shivlinga.
As tensions flared, the situation escalated, resulting in an altercation where priests resorted to physically assaulting each other with sticks and iron rods within the premises of the Bhimashankar temple.
In the aftermath of the fight, legal actions have been taken against a total of 36 priests from both sides. 21 individuals have been named in a case filed on the complaint of Shankar Gangaram Kaudre, a 65-year-old resident of Kharoshi in the Khed district. An additional case has been registered against 15 individuals from the opposing group, based on the complaint of Goraksh Yashwant Kaudre, a resident of Bhimashankar in the Khed district.
The video of the incident, which quickly went viral on social media, depicted distressing scenes where priests engaged in a heated exchange and abused each other.