Days after a video of two individuals joyfully participating in a Garba night while adorned in costumes resembling characters from 'The Nun' went viral, another clip surfaced on Instagram, capturing a unique moment during the vibrant Diwali Padwa celebration in Pune. In the video, a person dressed as Valak from the horror movie 'The Nun' joined the festivities, dancing while being lifted by someone, and others joined in.
"How can Diwali Pahat be complete without them," a user humorously commented while sharing the clip on Instagram.
The amusing video garnered various reactions on Instagram, leading to a myriad of responses from users. In the comments section, some hailed the clip as entertaining, while others expressed offence, criticizing it for allegedly disrupting tradition.
Watch the video here
"Diwali Pahat" is a traditional morning event during the Diwali festival in India. In Marathi, "Pahat" means morning. People gather early to start the day with prayers, devotional songs, and rituals, creating a festive and spiritual ambiance. Activities include reciting religious texts, singing bhajans, and offering prayers to deities. Whether in community gatherings or private homes, Diwali Pahat is a meaningful way to invoke blessings and celebrate the victory of light over darkness. This regional tradition varies in customs across communities, adding diversity to Diwali celebrations across India.