Pune's Guardian Minister, Chandrakant Patil, presided over the cornerstone-laying event, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the historic Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Bridge, also known as Nava Pul. This engineering marvel was constructed by Raobahadur Ganpatrao Mahadeo Kenjale and officially inaugurated in September 1923.
To celebrate this momentous occasion, the Kenjale family organized a special ceremony near the Shanivar Wada side of the bridge, attended by Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) Commissioner Vikram Kumar, Additional PMC Commissioner Vikas Dhakane, and members of the Kenjale family, descendants of Raobahadur Ganpatrao Mahadeo Kenjale.
Know all about the bridge
The bridge is primarily constructed using coarse masonry sourced from local quarries, specifically black basalt. According to Sahapedia, it spans a length of 370 metres and has a width of 12 metres. The bridge features arches and bastion-like structures connecting these arches. Its starting point is Mangala Theatre, adjacent to the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) buildings. It crosses Congress Bhavan Road and concludes in front of Shaniwar Wada. As the Sambhaji Bridge already existed across the Mutha River in the city, Shivaji Bridge was called Nava Pul, translating to 'new bridge.' The bridge remains a prominent landmark and holds heritage status as recognised by Pune Municipal Corporation.