Pune district is bracing itself for a bout of rainy and windy weather as the India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a yellow alert from May 4 to 6. The inclement weather conditions are expected to be a result of a low-pressure area over the Bay of Bengal.
According to the IMD, moderate to light rain and gusty winds are expected during this period, and residents have been advised to take necessary precautions. The gusty winds, which could blow at speeds of 30 to 40 km per hour, could cause damage to trees, electric poles, and weak structures.
Rain in Vidarbha and Marathwada
The effects of this weather system are not limited to the Pune district, as Vidarbha, Marathwada, and North Maharashtra are also likely to experience cloudy conditions with light to moderate rainfall on Thursday.
Cyclone warning
The IMD has also warned that a cyclonic circulation is likely to develop over the Southeast Bay of Bengal around 6 May and that under its influence a low-pressure area is likely to form over the same region around 7 May.
It is likely to concentrate into a depression over the Southeast Bay of Bengal on 8 May. It is likely to intensify into a cyclonic storm while moving nearly northwards towards the central Bay of Bengal, IMD added.