A 29-year-old married woman ended life by suicide by hanging herself after enduring harassment due to suspicions about her character. The incident occurred at Chintamani Garden, Ambegaon, within the jurisdiction of Bharti Vidyapeeth Police Station. The tragic incident occurred on December 1 when the husband was away, dropping the children off at school.
According to police information, "The woman who took her own life has been identified as Priyanka Vinayak Patil (age 29). A case has been registered against her husband Vinayak Anantrao Patil (age 39) and Vanita More (Karad) in this matter. Tukaram Khandu Kadam (age 66, Nawa Modikhana, Camp) filed a complaint in this regard. Priyanka and Vinayak got married on July 1, 2014.
Husband harbored suspicions about his wife's character
As per police details, "Vinayak Patil doubted her character, suspecting her of having an extramarital affair. Consequently, he subjected her to physical abuse and verbal harassment. Additionally, 15 lakh rupees were spent on the wedding, and he persistently harassed her, demanding the return of the money. Vanita, her sister-in-law, also contributed to the torment. Exhausted by this ordeal, she took her own life by hanging."
Senior Police Inspector Vinayak Gaikwad stated, "The husband consistently harbored suspicions about his wife's character and subjected her to frequent physical abuse. The couple has three daughters. During his absence, the wife locked the door and took her own life." The woman's parents have filed a complaint against the husband and sister-in-law.