Pune City Police apprehended the owner of a mandap godown in Wagholi following a fire that tragically claimed the lives of three workers.
Ashish Sarjit Agarwal, a 40-year-old resident of Bibvewadi, has been arrested and charged with culpable homicide for his alleged role in the accident.
On the night of May 5, a devastating fire engulfed the 'Shubh Sajavat' godown in Wagholi's Ubalenagar area, resulting in a tragic loss of life. According to a fire official, the blaze rapidly spread through the godown, leading to the explosion of four cylinders. The incident prompted the immediate deployment of nine fire engines to the scene.
Fire occurred while twelve workers were having their meal
Amidst the intense rescue and firefighting efforts, the bodies of three workers were discovered within the premises.The victims, identified as Bijan Patra (28), Vishwajit Sen (33), and Kamal Brar (29), were migrant workers from West Bengal.
The incident occurred while twelve workers were having their meal inside the godown, an abrupt fire erupted, causing chaos and panic among them.
Despite efforts to escape, Bijan Patra, Vishwajit Sen, and Kamal Brar were trapped and unable to survive the intense blaze.