Pune: A case has been registered by the Yerwada police against an individual who impersonated actor and comedian Kapil Sharma, engaging in an indecent conversation with a woman. According to police information, the incident was reported on Thursday at the police station, while the incident itself occurred on Wednesday.
The accused, falsely claiming to be Kapil Sharma, verbally abused and harassed the woman. The incident took place on Wednesday between 11:30 in the morning and 1:30 in the afternoon. Disturbed by the harassment, the woman blocked the unknown number and promptly reported the incident to the police.
A complaint was filed by a woman residing in the Sopanbaug area of Ghorpadi at the Yerawada police station. She is employed in a private company located in the Kalyaninagar area.
The accused initially contacted the woman's mobile number, posing as Kapil Sharma, and upon receiving no response, persisted and engaged in an obscene conversation with her. The woman faced continued harassment through her mobile number, leading her to file a formal complaint with the police. Police Sub-Inspector Gaikwad is currently leading the investigation.