Pune: In a disturbing incident in Maval taluka, a nine-year-old girl was sexually assaulted after being lured with chocolate on September 25. On September 29, it was revealed that the suspected accused, Vijay Shashikant Malpote, had taken his own life by hanging himself.
The victim's mother had filed a complaint at the Lonavala Rural Police Station, leading to the registration of a case against Malpote under IPC 376, 323, 506, and POCSO Act Sections 4, 8, 12. Following the crime, the accused had gone into hiding, prompting a police search.
The mother had reported the incident on September 27, stating that the accused had lured her daughter with the promise of chocolate before committing the heinous act. After the case was registered by police, the accused absconded.
Later, Vijay Malpote was found hanging with a towel in Parandwadi on Friday morning. Police visited the scene and rushed him to the hospital, but he was declared dead before receiving treatment. The Shirgaon Police Station is now conducting further investigations.