Forest officials in Pune conducted a raid in Mandvi Budruk near Khadakwasla dam and seized the body of a leopard that had been hunted and concealed in a farmhouse. They also confiscated the leopard's paw along with its claws. This act of illegal hunting has led to the registration of a case under the Wildlife Protection Act.
The forest department had received information suggesting that leopards had been hunted, and their body parts were hidden at the Shetty farmhouse in Mandvi Khurd village near the Khadakwasla dam area. Acting on this tip, a team comprising Sub Conservator of Forests Mahadev Mohite, Assistant Conservator of Forests Deepak Pawar, Bhamburda Forest Range Officer Pradeep Sankpal, Donje Forest Range Officer Sachin Sapkal, and others conducted a raid on the farmhouse. During the operation, they discovered a leopard's paw along with its claws inside a cupboard.
Accused involved in dispute over ownership of Hotel Vaishali
The accused individuals, in this case, are Vishwajit Vinayakrao Jadhav and Abhijit Vinayakrao Jadhav, both residents of Deccan Gymkhana. These brothers were previously involved in a dispute over the ownership of Hotel Vaishali on Ferguson Road, prompting authorities to investigate their possible connection to this latest wildlife crime. A woman had reported to authorities that the Jadhav brothers possessed leopard skins, which led to a complaint filed with the forest department. Currently, both accused individuals remain at large, and police are actively searching for them.