State Higher and Technical Education Minister Chandrakant Patil issued urgent directives regarding the Katraj-Kondhwa road widening project and mounting traffic concerns on Monday. Patil has urged the acceleration of land acquisition processes and strict adherence to project timelines. He has also called for the immediate appointment of 100 traffic wardens by Pune Municipal Corporation, 25 from the public participation and 50 from the traffic police force, to enhance traffic management.
In response to recent traffic accidents and congestion on the Katraj-Kondhwa road, Minister Patil personally conducted an inspection, focusing on the Katraj to Khadi Machine Chowk route. Key officials, including Pune Municipal Commissioner Vikram Kumar, Additional Commissioner Vikas Dhakne, and representatives from the National Highway Authority of India, were present during the inspection.
To address traffic-related concerns, measures proposed by the police have been set in motion by the municipal administration on Katraj-Kondhwa road. These measures encompass the installation of blinkers, directional boards, zebra crossing strips, and rumblers on slopes.
Minister Patil emphasized the immediate resolution of issues hampering the road widening project and the critical importance of adhering to established timelines. He recommended the creation of blocking lanes at steep slopes and the relocation of the graveyard at Khadi Machin Chowk, involving local residents in the decision-making process. Patil has committed to monthly reviews to address roadwork challenges within the city.
Additionally, the District Collector (Land Records) has been tasked with appointing an independent officer responsible for calculating the space required for the Katraj-Kondhwa road. Furthermore, the Chief Engineer of MahaVitaran has been directed to engage an independent engineer from the Municipal Corporation to expedite the relocation of electric poles and wires that intersect with the road layout.
Meanwhile, Patil, during a felicitation ceremony organized by the Pune Union of Working Journalists for Pimpri Chinchwad Police Commissioner Vinay Kumar Chaubey, called for heightened efforts to combat the escalating issue of youth drug abuse in Pimpri Chinchwad and Pune.
In his address, Guardian Minister Chandrakant Patil acknowledged the dedicated service of the Pimpri-Chinchwad Police. He also discussed the demanding nature of police work and its impact on their family life.
Patil emphasized the importance of recognizing and appreciating the hard work and sacrifices made by the police force. He proposed increasing support and motivation for police officers to boost their morale. Patil stressed the need to acknowledge and celebrate commendable police work happening across various regions.