The Department of Posts, Maharashtra Postal Circle, is all set to host the 37th All India Postal Weightlifting, Powerlifting & Best Physique Tournament at the prestigious Shri Shiv Chhatrapati Sports Complex in Mhalunge, Pune.
According to the information, "Scheduled from January 30th to February 2nd, 2024, the tournament promises an exhilarating showcase of strength and athleticism. The inaugural ceremony will commence at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 30th, 2024, with esteemed dignitaries gracing the occasion. Shekhar Singh, Commissioner of PCMC, will inaugurate the event, accompanied by Kiran Bhagat, Maharashtra Kesari Runner-up, as the guest of honour. Notable personalities like Kishan Kumar Sharma, Chief Postmaster General of Maharashtra Circle, Ramchandra Jayabhaye, Postmaster General of Pune Region, and Simran Kaur, Director of Postal Services, will also be present."
According to police, "With around 150 competitors from across the country, the tournament promises fierce competition. The event itinerary spans across various disciplines, with Weightlifting kicking off on January 30th, followed by Powerlifting on January 31st and February 1st, culminating in the Best Physique Tournament on February 2nd. Additionally, there will be an Arm Wrestling Demo and a vibrant cultural evening to add zest to the proceedings."
Winners of this prestigious tournament will earn the opportunity to represent their department in the Inter-Departmental Tournament of the Central Government. Notably, the Best Physique Competitor will be bestowed with the esteemed "Dak Shree" during the prize distribution ceremony.
The tournament invites all sports enthusiasts and supporters to witness the prowess of the participants and extend their encouragement.