The Central Railway has announced the cancellation of seven trains originating or terminating at stations in the Pune Division due to yard modification and electronic interlocking commissioning work between the Wardha-Nagpur section in the Nagpur Division.
The cancelled trains are as follows:
1. Train no 22214 Ajni-Pune Express (August 6)
2. Train no 22117 Pune-Amravati Express (August 7)
3. Train no 22118 Amravati-Pune Express (August 8)
4. Train no 22141 Pune-Nagpur Express (August 8)
5. Train no 22142 Nagpur-Pune Express (August 9)
6. Train no 22139 Pune-Ajni Express (August 10)
7. Train no 22140 Ajni-Pune Express (August 11)