In a daring heist at Classic Communication Mobile Shop in Pune's Bhosari, miscreants made away with mobile phones from reputed brands such as Apple and Samsung, collectively valued at over 15 lakh rupees. The incident involved the theft of 27 high-end handsets.
A First Information Report (FIR) has been filed at the Bhosari Police station, detailing the burglary that took place at Constitution Chowk, Bhosari, on September 29. The perpetrators gained unauthorized entry by removing a bar from the side of the terrace slab, making off with an extensive inventory of premium smartphones.
Accused has a mobile shop in Kurla
The Anti-Robbery Squad swiftly apprehended the suspects involved in the crime, identified as Kamil Hussain Ansari, 33, and Feroz Naeem Khan, 33. Kamil, the owner of a mobile sales and repair shop in Kurla, Mumbai, had enlisted Feroz for the theft operation. During the investigation, authorities discovered that Kamil planned to sell the stolen phones to customers from his own shop.
Deputy Commissioner of Police Swapna Gore provided insights into the ongoing investigation, revealing that 21 of the stolen mobile phones, amounting to a total value of 11,68,270 rupees, have been recovered by the police. The heist, involving top-tier brands and a substantial monetary loss, underscores the need for heightened security measures in commercial establishments.
The dedicated efforts of law enforcement, led by a team including Senior Police Inspector Santosh Patil and several other officers, have resulted in the swift resolution of this case. The efficient collaboration of the Anti-Robbery Squad and local police highlights the commitment to ensuring the safety and security of businesses and residents in Pune.