Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman interacted with a group of students from Pune's MIT School of Government on Tuesday. These students are part of the 19th batch of the Masters Programme in Political Leadership and Government at the institute. Pictures of the interaction were shared by Sitharaman's office on X (formerly Twitter).
Check out the pictures below:
Nirmala Sitharaman addresses RBI directors, discusses thrust areas of Union Budget
On Monday, Nirmala Sitharaman addressed a meeting of the Central Board of Directors of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), discussing the thrust areas of the Union Budget.
During her address, Sitharaman emphasised the key thrust areas outlined in the interim Union Budget 2024-25 and outlined the government's expectations from the financial sector.
The Finance Minister's comprehensive insights into the budgetary provisions and strategic imperatives were praised by the Directors of the Central Board.
The Board conducted a comprehensive review of the global and domestic economic situation and outlook, considering the challenges posed by geopolitical developments and global financial market volatility.
The discussions aimed to foster a deeper understanding of the prevailing economic landscape and chart a course for robust policy responses.