Punekars, brace yourselves for endless laughter as the Pune Comedy Festival returns for its sixth edition. This year, the organisers are pulling out all the stops with an incredible lineup featuring some of India’s biggest comedic talents, including Anubhav Singh Bassi, Kenny Sebastian, Harsh Gujral, Kanan Gill, Biswa Kalyan Rath, Samay Raina, Rahul Subramanian, Rahul Dua, and many more.
The festival will take place on March 2 and 3 at the Mayfield Eva Garden in Kharadi. The lineup for March 2 includes Anubhav Singh Bassi, Harsh Gujral, Samay Raina, Rahul Dua, Gurleen Pannu, Aashish Solanki, Ravi Gupta, Manan Desai, Pratyush Chaubey, Shreya Priyam, and Md Suhel. The lineup for March 3 features Kenny Sebastian, Kanan Gill, Biswa Kalyan Rath, Rahul Subramanian, Anirban Dasgupta, Prasashti Singh, Kullu, Sonali Thakker, Sumaira Shaikh, Shreeja Chaturvedi, and Vivek Desai.
Tickets start from ₹1,399 onwards, with sections divided into Premium (₹1,499), VIP (₹1,999), and Superfan (₹4,999) for a single day. A Festival Pass is also available, allowing access to both days starting from ₹1,999 onwards. For the Festival Pass, the Premium Section is priced at ₹2,699, VIP at ₹3,499, and Superfan at ₹7,999.