Maharashtra Minister Chhagan Bhujbal on Thursday evening stated that the NCP (Ajit Pawar faction) holds a rightful claim to the Nashik Lok Sabha seat, citing the majority support of MLAs in the district. He mentioned that discussions within the Mahayuti (Grand Alliance) are underway, and a decision on the candidate will be made soon. Bhujbal emphasised the party's commitment to supporting the chosen candidate from the alliance, regardless of the party securing the seat.
A review meeting convened at the NCP Bhavan included MLA Dilip Bankar, District President Adv Ravindra Pagar, City President Ranjan Thackeray, District President Vishnupant Mhaisdhune, Working President Gorakh Bodke, Regional Officer Nanasaheb Mahale, along with officials and activists.
During the meeting, Bhujbal stressed the importance of maintaining a strong connection with the public and implementing various activities to reach households. He urged all office bearers to collaborate and work cohesively across the district, focusing on both urban and rural areas. Acknowledging the development efforts under the leadership of Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar, he encouraged highlighting these achievements to the general public. He recommended establishing contact offices in various parts of the city and rural areas to address citizen concerns.
The minister also revealed plans for reconciliation meetings on January 14, emphasising widespread attendance by NCP office bearers. Acknowledging recent successes of the Ajit Pawar group in various elections, he expressed confidence in the party's public support.
Regarding recent political developments, Bhujbal highlighted the clarity within the NCP, contrasting it with the Shiv Sena's recent legal test verdict. He urged party members to work diligently, emphasising the NCP's strength and unity.
On a crucial agricultural matter, Bhujbal announced plans to discuss the pressing issue of onions with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, alongside the Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Ministers, recognising its significance for farmers.