Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray embarked on a spiritual journey in Nashik as part of his party's 18th foundation day celebrations. Accompanied by his family, Thackeray visited the revered Kalaram temple on Friday morning to seek blessings. The temple visit included an aarti performed by Raj Thackeray and a mahapuja conducted by his son Amit and daughter-in-law Mitali.
Welcomed with resonant drums, Thackeray's entry into the Kalaram temple was met with enthusiastic cheers from MNS activists. The surroundings were adorned with MNS banners proclaiming him as the chief minister in the hearts of the people. Inside the temple, Thackeray took darshan of Lord Hanuman and Lord Ram, offering heartfelt prayers and participating in the aarti.
The MNS chief received a warm reception from party activists, who passionately expressed their support. He engaged in discussions with various party office bearers and interacted with students from the Art College, examining paintings created by them and offering guidance and tips to the aspiring artists.
However, amid the celebration, a banner featuring Thackeray, erected in the Kalaram temple area on Wednesday, was mysteriously torn down overnight. The motive and the individuals responsible for tearing down the banner remain unclear, prompting an investigation by the police. Despite this incident, Thackeray's spiritual visit to Nashik continues to be a focal point during the MNS anniversary festivities.