Pune City Life, a social media page providing crucial city updates, on Friday evening posted the fee structure of a school in Pimpri-Chinchwad's Tathawade. The revelation was startling: the school demanded a staggering ₹1.5 lakh for a child enrolled in Lower Kindergarten (LKG) per academic year. Delving into the breakdown, ₹10,000 covered books, school bags, and stationery, while ₹9,496 was allocated for school uniforms and shoes. Additionally, an extra ₹10,000 served as a "token amount" to block the seat.
Netizens erupted in fury over this exorbitant fee structure. One user expressed their outrage, labelling it as "daylight robbery." Another demanded immediate closure of such institutions and suggested legal action, stating, "These schools should be closed right away and sued for criminal charges." Another user wrote, "It’s just loot of middle-class people who depend on education to get job and money and maintain their life."
Comparisons flooded in, with some netizens referencing fee structures in other cities. "In Bangalore, good schools with basic infrastructure charge around ₹1.2-1.5 lakh annually, in addition to bus charges of 30-40,000, books, uniforms, and other fees," remarked a user.
Others lamented the lack of control over escalating costs and fee structures nationwide. One user expressed frustration, stating, "Unfortunately, we lack public schooling options. Private schools have become synonymous with public institutions. Education has turned into a business."
Check out the reactions below: