Navi Mumbai: In order to increase the rate of conviction and gather quality evidence for crime detection, Rajnish Seth, the Director General of Police, Maharashtra State inaugurated a number of projects including ‘i-bike’, IGMRS and M App of Navi Mumbai on Tuesday at police headquarters in Belapur.
With the aim of conducting the investigation in a scientific manner and not missing any evidence, the concept of 'i-bike' has been launched by Navi Mumbai police. A total of six i-bikes and a complete kit with all the latest tools required for collecting evidence have been provided to the trained police officials in Navi Mumbai Police Commissionerate. “These i-bikes can go to any place where other big vehicles cannot reach and collect evidence. It has the tool to collect forensic evidence also,” said Milind Bharambe, police commissioner of Navi Mumbai.
Nelson System launched to speed up solving cases
Similarly, the Nelson System has been launched wherein every police official will have to investigate one crime every month. Under the scheme, new police officials will be given training so that they solve the case at a faster speed. The system is believed to increase the conviction rate and also complete the investigation of the crime at a faster speed by conducting quality and qualitative investigations.
“The Nelson System will also increase the number of investigative officers and with special training, the detection will be faster,” said Bharambe. He added that all these projects were launched under “Mission Conviction”.
'M Police' App launched at event
On the occasion, the ‘M Police’ App was launched which has been created for the officers of Navi Mumbai Police Commissionerate. On this app, information about service records, pay slips, leave, rewards and punishments as well as important orders and instructions as well as visitor's records, duty book, and police welfare scheme among other information will be available.
In addition, the Navi Mumbai police also launched the innovative system 'IGMRS'. Under this system, after registering a complaint, the police will keep updating the complainant about the progress of the investigation by sending messages from time to time.
Navi Mumbai police officers during event | FPJ