Mumbai: Statistics provided by the Maharashtra Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) have revealed that there has been a 25% rise in corruption related trap cases this year from January till April as compared to the cases registered during the same period last year. The statistics also revealed that police department figures in the second position in the list of 47 government departments which had the most number of trap cases.
The statistics further revealed that ACB has registered 297 cases in the first four months, which included 291 trap cases and five disproportionate assets cases. According to the ACB, 414 persons were booked, including 70 private persons, in the trap cases registered across the state. Revenue and land records department tops the list with 73 cases, followed by the police department with 51 cases and Panchayat Samiti with 30 cases.
Total amount of bribe involved this year Rs1.72 crore
The ACB statistics revealed that the total amount of bribe involved in the trap cases this year is Rs1.72 crore. Further analysis of the statistics also revealed that the bribe amount involved in trap cases related to the department of co-operation, marketing and textiles is Rs36.31 lakh, Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) Rs25 lakh andPolice department Rs22.23 lakh.
As per the ACB's statistics, officials from only revenue and land records, municipal corporation departments and public health department were found to be involved in disproportionate assets cases this year and the total amount of money involved in disproportionate assets cases is Rs1.99 crore.
ACB trap cases (Jan-Apr)
Jan - 59
Feb - 75
March - 88
April - 69
Jan - 46
Feb - 50
March - 85
April – 55
Most cases
Revenue dept 73
Police dept with 51
Panchayat Samiti 30