Mumbai's Monorail services experienced disruptions on Sunday, with passengers reporting that operations were halted due to a train being stuck. However, the Mumbai Monorail authorities clarified that while passenger services were not completely stopped, two trains were taken out of service due to technical problems, which led to delays.
In a response posted on 'X', the Mumbai Monorail stated, "Apologies for any inconvenience caused. While passenger services on the mono were not halted, two trains were taken out of service due to technical issues, leading to delays in the services."
The Mumbai Monorail, launched in February 2014, originally served around 21-kilometer route from Chembur to Jacob Circle (Saat Rasta). Despite its initial promise, the monorail has faced ongoing operational challenges and is often criticized as a "white elephant." The service has been plagued by frequent breakdowns, especially problematic on Sundays when suburban local trains have a mega block.
On Sundays, the monorail operates with significant intervals, ranging from 22 minutes to an hour between trains. This irregularity frustrates passengers who expect a more reliable schedule.
According to sources to address the frequent malfunctions, the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) has ordered ten new monorail rakes. The first of these new "Made in India" rakes has recently arrived, and trials are currently underway. Once the new rakes are fully integrated, the frequency of services is expected to improve. Currently, the monorail operates 142 trips daily, with trains running every 18 minutes from Monday to Friday and hourly on Sundays.