Mumbai: A 14-year-old mentally-disabled minor girl of the slums in Malabar Hill was allegedly kidnapped and raped in a moving taxi on Monday afternoon, police said on Wednesday. The girl had a fight with her family members, following which she took a taxi from Malabar Hill to go to her cousin’s place in Malad’s Malvani.
Family approached Malabar Hill police station
Meanwhile, the girl’s family members, who were worried about her absence, approached Malabar Hill police station and registered a case of kidnapping as she is a minor. The girl was found by Vakola police where she was allegedly dropped by the accused. Police said that they found the girl wandering around the streets on Monday afternoon. When they inquired more about it, they found about that Malabar Hill police officials were looking for the same person.
Girl located within 7 hours
“A team was sent there and brought her back in about seven hours since she went missing. However, the matter got serious when the girl spoke about her journey to Malad,” said a police officer. The girl told the cops all about the taxi driver and the another man sitting inside the vehicle.
Girl narrated the ordeal
The taxi driver, Shriprakash Pandey, 27, he started to drive from South Mumbai towards Dadar where he picked up his friend, Salman Shaikh, 27, who is a lodge owner. Shaikh who was on the rear seat, allegedly sexually assaulted and raped the victim.
Accused arrested within hours by Mumbai Police
The police started looking for the two after hearing out the victim. After scanning CCTV footage as part of their technical investigation, they arrested the accused, who confessed to the crime.
A case has been registered against the two under charges of rape and sexual assault of the Indian Penal Code as well as sections of the Protection of Children against Sexual Offences Act.