Mumbai, August 15: Chief Minister of Maharashtra Eknath Shinde hoisted the tricolour at Mantralaya building and the state government's Sahyadri Guest House on Thursday. He extended his wishes on Independence Day to the people of Maharashtra, all Indian citizens and Indians residing abroad.
Speaking on the occasion, the CM highlighted new policies, projects and investments, boosting Maharashtra's development. The announcements are key considering the upcoming state assembly elections. The polls are expected to be held in October or November 2024.
Rs 30,000 crore revenue & 15 Million Jobs in 5 years
CM Eknath Shinde announced that his government has set a goal of 15 million employment generation in the state, adding that the state has also announced its logistic policy which will generate a revenue of Rs 30 thousand crore in the next five years.
Shinde highlighted that Maharashtra contributes 14 per cent of the nation's income and said that the state is committed to fulfilling PM Narendra Modi's dream for India to achieve a five trillion economy.
He also said that Maharashtra is attracting more foreign investments which will generate 2.5 lakh employment, adding that Maharashtra is at the top in the country for service and industry sectors.
CM Eknath Shinde also appealed to the citizens to participate in the 'Har Ghar Tiranga' campaign, to celebrate our Independence Day. The campaign was announced by PM Narendra Modi to remember our national heroes and motivate people to celebrate Independence Day.