An incident of firing occurred at Badlapur railway station on Thursday around 6 p.m., creating a tense atmosphere when a young man opened fire on two people, injuring one. The shooter, Vikas Pagare, 25, has been arrested. Preliminary information reveals that the incident was the result of a dispute over money matters.
A video of the incident went viral, showing passengers running in panic. The police pursued the shooter in a dramatic chase and apprehended him.
Watch Video Of The Chaotic Scene At Badlapur Railway Station
According to the source, the shooting took place on platform number one of Badlapur railway station, where Vikas Pagare and another individual confronted Shankar Sansare and his associate. Pagare fired at two individuals, including Sansare, injuring him. A bullet grazed Sansare's leg. After the shooting, both Sansare and his associate, as well as Pagare's associate, fled the station. Upon hearing the gunfire, the Railway Police and Railway Protection Force chased Pagare, eventually nabbing him and finding the pistol on the railway track.
Earlier, near Vaishali Talkies in Badlapur West, Pagare and Sansare had a dispute over money, which escalated into a physical altercation involving three to four people. This led to Sansare going to the railway station, where Pagare fired at him.
The police apprehended Vikas Pagare as he attempted to flee through the railway track. According to sources, all individuals involved are believed to have criminal backgrounds. The Kalyan Railway police are conducting further investigations, and it has been revealed that some of the accused have 'Tadipar' (habitual criminal) backgrounds.
Both the Railway police and Badlapur police arrived at the scene and initiated an investigation.