Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra brought the 70s retro charm on the ramp for the ace designer duo Shantu and Nikhil's latest couture collection at The Paino Man in Delhi last night (August 10). The designers showcased their 2024 collection, inspired by the 1970s disco era, bright prints, and timeless elegance.
Yodha star Sidharth Malhotra turned showstopper at the runway, adorning vintage ensemble from the designer's latest collection. He donned a black velvet-tailored suit, which featured a velvet blazer and full-length sleeves with an intricate embroidered pattern at the front.
Exuding the retro allure, he paired his attire with a quirky printed top underneath and high-waisted trousers with a flared cut at the bottom. The actor complemented his fashion with chic shoes, a watch, a chain, and the 70's iconic sleek side-parted hairdo.
Veteran Bollywood actress Zeenat Aman was also present at the fashion show, where she wowed the audience with a speech about what made 1970s fashion so special. She looked elegant in the loose-fitting, printed high-neck top with black flared pants.
The star-studded show also witnessed actress and singer Saba Azad's soulful melody. She was also decked up in the 70s era, which featured a printed pink crop top paired with black flared pants. She finished off her look with a double-bun hairdo, glam makeup, and minimal accessories.
Shantu and Nikhil's 70s collection was an array of timeless silhouettes, which showcased ruffled shirts, bell bottoms, glittery gowns, disco-inspired ensembles, and more. Using luxurious materials like silk velvet and sequined fabrics combined with modern details like faux leather and custom Italian suiting fabric, the designer duo effortlessly brought back the 70s couture in today's era.