From visions boards to planners... Here's how you can add a creative spin to your 2022 goals

From visions boards to planners... Here's how you can add a creative spin to your 2022 goals

New year resolutions are a thing of the past, planners and vision boards are the perfect way to plan your year ahead

Twisha SoniUpdated: Sunday, January 02, 2022, 07:00 PM IST

New Year is definitely one of the most exciting times of the year for many. While we may party our worries away on the Eve of the new year, it's imperative we build a plan for the year ahead as well. And, not just any plan with resolutions that we can’t even keep up for a month, but a proper, achievable and actionable plan. Here's an easy guide to achieve that:

Take charge: Over the past few years, Vision Boards and Planners for “goal-setting” have become increasingly popular. A vision board is a visual representation, usually a collection of photos and short texts of your goals, dreams and ambitions for the year or future. It is a powerful tool used to manifest what you seek. Vision boards and planners work best when it comes to laying out a plan for the year ahead, because they let you build a detailed visual strategy for the year.

The first step: The decision to build a plan for yourself is in itself the biggest step that you will take. If you wish to start small, a vision board is a great option to bring your goals to life: Not only is it straightforward, the power of visuals is undeniable. However, if you want to look at everything in detail, you can opt for both a planner and a vision board.

Goal-getter: Before you start looking for design inspirations, make a list of all your goals, ideas and dreams. Begin by categorising them into groups. For example: personal, professional, social, emotional, spiritual, etc. This will save time when you translate them to your vision board/planner. Your list can include anything you want to accomplish, complete, visit, read, watch, listen in the new year. Some examples to help you get an idea:

Earn Rs. x (personal)

Complete three online courses (professional)

Exercise/workout x minutes daily/weekly

Read x number of books

Improve mental health

Meditate for x minutes daily

Once you have your list ready, start looking for inspiration for your vision board!

Inspiration matters: The purpose of a vision board is to make you feel inspired and aid you in manifesting your dreams and goals. Each time your eyes fall on your vision board, two things would happen simultaneously: You should feel inspired, happy and optimistic and you will subconsciously undertake the Law of Attraction. Here are some ideas / formats you can take inspiration from:

1. Build a collage of photos: This is the most common format for a vision board. All you need to do is collect photos that represent or are something you’ve listed as a goal. Adding power words, quotes, and affirmations can greatly help you manifest your dreams.

2. Categorise and write it down: Another interesting way of building a vision board is writing it down. Jonathan Javier, a popular LinkedIn creator and founder of Wonsulting, has a specific method to build a vision board. Start by categorising your goals into Current State and Future State, where are you now and where you want to be. Then list your goals under three sections: Mental, career and personal growth. About vision boards he says, “The best way to accomplish a goal is to draw it. Every year, I'll not only write down my goals but also make them into reality. By doing so, you can be able to picture and visualise your goals which will make you want to manifest it even more!”

3. Filter and focus: Build a board using specific and minimum goals. Again, categorise them into sections and make sure you write a maximum of two-three goals. This will ensure that you're focused on them, and will help drive maximum results. Jerry Lee, another popular LinkedIn creator, ex-Google and currently the COO at Wonsulting shares his method where he divides his goals into four key areas: Career, professional, personal and personal finance. He says, “Goal setting is all about keeping it simple. Define what your ideal life looks like and focus on one-three big goals that you want to accomplish. The simpler you make it, the higher chances you’ll have of accomplishing it.”

4. Using digital vision boards: Many apps and websites help you build a vision board, all you have to do is import pictures from your device onto the application and select the type of collage you want to use.

5. Cut out photos from magazines: If you’re feeling creative on a dull afternoon, just grab some old magazines and start ripping off photos that you have a positive emotional response to, or that make you feel good. Then arrange them on a board, and let your creativity and imagination take the lead.

Planning your way through

In case of planners, there are many downloadable templates available online to help you get started. Planners include daily, weekly, monthly and yearly sections. Using a planner can be overwhelming initially, but it's best to take it slow. Write down the goals, ideas and plans you want to accomplish in the year, now try to assign the same into monthly and weekly targets. This will help your goals become actionable and attainable. You can add important dates, to-do lists and other important information on your planner.


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