Shajapur (Madhya Pradesh): A video has surfaced on social media highlighting misbehaviour by the top administrative officials in Madhya Pradesh. The viral clip shows Shajapur Collector snapping at the protesting truck drivers, asking "Tumhari Aukat Kya Hai" (you are no one, be in your limits).
The video was shared by Congress' Rajya Sabha member Vivek Tankha on X.
Notably, in line with the centre's directions, officials held a meeting on Tuesday evening to pacify the protesting transporters in their respective districts. Collector Kishor Kanyal was in a meeting with the representatives of a drivers' union when he lost his cool. However, he later expressed regret over the use of the word.
Fighting because we have no 'aukaat', say truckers
At this point, Kanyal lost control and questioned the person in question, "Kya Karoge Tum, Kya Aukat Hai Tumhari?" In response, the man stated that the reason they are fighting this struggle is because they lack "aukat" (social status).
In the video, the collector is seen asking the drivers and others not to enforce the law on their own when a driver representative begs him to behave civilly.
Sensing that the situation might escalate, a policeman whisked the driver away from the spot.
Kanyal apologised for his statement
Later, Kanyal uploaded a video to explain his stance.
He added that on Tuesday, roughly 250 truck and bus drivers met, one day after numerous of them caused a disturbance and organised demonstrations.
"I used these remarks because I thought one of them was trying to agitate others and threaten to deepen the stir. The meeting was called to tell them to address their grievances democratically. I apologise if my statements have offended anyone," he stated.
But no one will be permitted to hold the law in their hands, he continued.
Should this be the language of collector: Tankha
Meanwhile, the opposition Congress also took cognisance of the viral video. Senior Congress leader and Rajya Sabha MP Vivek Tankha took to X (formerly Twitter) and wrote, “CM Sahib, should this be the language of your collector? Collector is a government servant. You have made him bigger than the government. The public will strongly oppose such governance.”