Indore (Madhya Pradesh): A 4-year-old boy lost his life after a wall collapsed on Thursday. The young boy, identified as Shreyansh Patel from the Bajrangpura area, was playing when a neighboring house's wall collapsed on him. Despite immediate medical attention at the hospital, he could not be saved. The police have launched an active investigation into the case, obtaining statements from family members.
Manish, a loading vehicle driver and the father of Shreyansh, revealed that his son sustained severe injuries while playing outside their residence when the neighboring house's 3-feet wall collapsed. Shreyansh, the sole son in the family with two sisters, faced critical injuries in the incident. The police are actively investigating the matter, and the body has been sent for autopsy to ascertain the precise circumstances leading to this unfortunate incident.
Kindergarten Student Dies After Wall Collapse
In another tragic incident, a 6-year-old boy lost his life after a wall collapsed on him. The event occurred on Thursday as the child, identified as Rizwan, was playing with an iron door near a fragile wall. Unfortunately, the wall gave way, resulting in serious injuries. Despite being rushed to the hospital, the young boy could not be saved. The police are actively investigating the case, gathering statements from the family members.
Rizwan, also known as Farhan, hailed from Samrat Nagar and was a kindergarten student. His father, Imran, who works as a painter, revealed that the incident took place as his son played near a 4-feet wall, which unexpectedly fell and caused critical injuries, including a severe head injury. Rizwan was the second child among his three siblings. The police initiated an inquiry, including a post-mortem examination of the deceased child.