Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Childline rescued six child labourers from hotels and garages near Sarwate bus stand and railway station on Thursday, where they worked long hours under difficult working conditions for meagre wages. Three rescued children are from Rajasthan, while the other three are from various parts of the city.
Childline officials, Aas Organisation, Kailash Satyarthi Foundation, labour department had received information about these places and rescued the child labourers. In all the places from where they were rescued, the kids were called ‘Chotu’ – a ubiquitous name given to hide their identity and make them faceless. All the children were made to clean\sweep and do other odd jobs at these places. The rescue team found that the children were working under unhealthy conditions.
All the rescued kids were presented before the Child Welfare Committee, where they told the members that they had to work for 8 to 10 hours a day and got Rs 300 per day as wages.
Rahul Gothane, Childline coordinator said, “The records like birth certificates and others were seized by the department through which it was found that 3 of the children are from Rajasthan.”
The children were admitted to the Child Care institution following a thorough medical examination. The children now remain under the care of the Child Welfare Committee. Action will be taken against the employers\directors of the places from where they were rescued after an investigation by the labour and WCD departments
Childline to contact parents
Parents of the three children from Indore have already been called and the Childline team is all set to leave for Rajasthan to trace the parents of the other three kids. Pallavi Porwal, chairperson Child Welfare Committee said that the parents would be handed over their children only after they are properly counselled as per protocol. Till then, they will remain under the care of CWC.