Chandigarh: The Haryana police on Thursday claimed to have nabbed two accused of being involved in communal clashes that erupted in Nuh on July 31, after an hour-long encounter in which one of the accused was shot in the leg, from the hilly Sakho village in Tauru area of the district.
Search Operation and Confrontation
According to police, they had launched a search operation in the area after getting a lead that some accused of rioting were hiding in the said area near Sakho hills. The accused tried to flee on their motorcycle when stopped by the police at a checkpoint and started firing at the police team. Four or five shots were exchanged in the encounter, police said.
However, when police also opened fire in which one of the accused was hit in the leg the two fell down leading to their arrest, police said adding that the accused were subsequently identified as Munfeed and Saikul, residents of Gwarka village. The former was hit in the leg and was undergoing treatment at Nalhar Medical College, police said.
6 dead in Nuh communal clashes
For the record, six persons including two Home Guards and a cleric lost their lives in the communal clashes that erupted in the communally-sensitive Nuh district on July 31 when a religious procession taken out by Vishva Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal was attacked by a mob in Nuh and following which the clashes also spilled over to the adjoining parts of Gurugram district.
Nah MLA rues Panchayats' 'Ban' against Muslim traders
Meanwhile, in another development, the Nuh legislator Aftab Ahmed has demanded strict action against some panchayats which had recently called for "banning" the entry Muslim traders into their villages.
It may be recalled that according to media reports, some panchayats of nearby Jhajjar, Rewari and Mahendergarh had held meetings and called for banning Muslim traders into their villages.
Aftab, who is deputy leader of the Congress in the state assembly, sought strict action against them and said that it was totally unconstitutional and that it would also further vitiate the social harmony in the state.
However, some of the sarpanches of these panchayats have held that they had only talked about verifying the credentials of the outsiders.
On the issue of demolitions, Aftab held that many structures of the innocent people had been bulldozed under the garb of illegal constructions.
Meanwhile, according to another report, the state police had registered as many as 29 cases of provocative online posts and arrested seven accused in these cases since July 31.