The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) launched an indefinite dharna outside the residence of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on May 1, demanding that the gates of his residence be opened to the public for scrutiny of the ₹45-crore renovation carried out during 2020-22.
Demand for entry tickets to the Chief Minister's residence
The BJP's Chandni Chowk MP, Harsh Vardhan, led the protest and urged the Chief Minister to open the gates of his residence located at 6, Flagstaff Road, Civil Lines, and issue entry tickets to the general public to see for themselves the lavish renovation work undertaken.
The party has been continuously attacking Kejriwal and the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) over the alleged Rs 45-crore renovation scam, calling for transparency and accountability.
BJP alleges the misuse of funds during the pandemic
The BJP has accused the Chief Minister of spending an exorbitant amount on the renovation work, especially during the pandemic when the city was grappling with a surge in cases and fatalities.
Virendra Sachdeva, the Delhi unit chief of the BJP, said that it is most shameful things that the scam was carried out at a time when COVID was in its worst form in Delhi and hundreds were dying every day.
BJP activists participate in the sit-in
The sit-in was also attended by BJP activists from the Keshav Puram and Chandni Chowk district units. The party has been demanding answers from the Chief Minister and his party regarding the use of taxpayers' money for the renovation work.
Previous protest
Previously, the saffron party workers in Delhi staged a protest outside CM kejriwal's residence. A large number of BJP supporters gathered and raised slogans while the police authorities tried to control the situation.
CM Kejriwal residence renovation
A report claimed that the official residence of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, located in Civil Lines, has been renovated with nearly Rs 45 crore.
The report titled "Operation Sheeshmahal" allegedly revealed that taxpayers' money was used to refurbish the CM's official bungalow extravagantly. The BJP reacted to the report, with several leaders slamming the AAP and demanding Kejriwal's resignation from the post of Delhi CM.
Extravagant expenditures allegedly made during renovation
According to the report, the renovation of the CM's official residence involved several extravagant expenditures. The curtains in Kejriwal's house cost around Rs 5-8 lakh per piece, with a total of 23 curtains costing around Rs 97 lakhs.
The marble used in flooring was imported from Vietnam at a cost of Rs 3 crore. Six almirahs at Kejriwal's residence cost Rs 40 lakh, and six carpets were bought at a cost of more than Rs 19 lakh.