Delhi Lieutenant Governor (L-G) Vinai Kumar Saxena on Saturday directed the Chief Secretary to secure and take all records relating to the matter of alleged irregularites in renovating Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's official residence into protective custody. The L-G sought a report into the matter in 15 days.
'Factual report on the matter should be submitted within 15 days': L-G's office said
"Delhi L-G took cognisance of media reports (on alleged gross irregularities committed during the renovation of the Chief Minister's residence) and keeping in view the sensitivity of the matter, directed the Chief Secretary to immediately secure and take all records relating to the matter into protective custody. Subsequently, after examination of records, a factual report on the matter should be submitted within 15 days," the L-G's office said.
He directed Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar to immediately take custody of all records related to alleged “gross irregularities” committed while carrying out the renovation of 6 Flag Staff House, Civil Lines, by the Public Works Department, which is CM Arvind Kejriwal’s official residence.