As the wrestler Vinesh Phogat was disqualified from the 2024 Paris Olympics on Wednesday morning ahead of women's 50kg final after she was found 100 grams overweight, reactions started flooding across platforms. Meanwhile, Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) MP and veteran actor Hema Malini reacted saying, "Now we know how important it is keep the weight in control. I hope she (Vinesh Phogat) loses those 100 grams quicky." The MP gave this reaction outside the Parliament. However, the netizens are annoyed by her statement and for mocking over something that was beyond control of Vinesh Phogat. Some users reacted saying, "At least try to hide your happiness."
Speaking with PTI Malini said, "It is surprising that Phogat was disqualified because of 100 grams. It shows how important it is to keep our weight under control. This is a learning for all artists, women and all that 100 grams also matters a lot. It is sad. I hope she looses 100 grams quicky, but we won't get it (Olympic medal)."
While another user commented, "This proves that it is not necessary for someone who is a protagonist in films to be one in real life as well."
"Look at shamelessly she is smiling on the disqualification. These vultures need to be thrown out of power," reacted another user.
Another user reacting on Malini's statement said, "Her reaction indicated a conspiracy. It is the failure of management. Although the Wrestling Federation of India is suspended, the management is same."
Phogat was disqualified from the Olympics after being found overweight ahead of her women's 50kg final here, leaving her medal-less within hours of coming close to an unparalleled gold.Sources said the prime minister also spoke to IOA president PT Usha and sought first hand information from her on the issue and the options India has in the wake of the setback.He asked her to explore the full range of options to help Phogat's case.Modi urged Usha to file a strong protest regarding her disqualification if that helps Phogat.
(With inputs from news agency PTI)