Bollywood actress and former Bigg Boss contestant Shehnaaz Gill, who left everyone awestruck with her dramatic weight loss, ventured into Bollywood this year with the Salman Khan starrer Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan. Now, in a recent conversation with Brahma Kumari BK Shivani on her talk show Desi Vibes, Shehnaaz shared that she faced severe health issues and was advised by her doctor to consume non-vegetarian food.
She said, “I had a C3C5 problem and I was not able to move my neck. I had a stiff neck. So, the doctor advised me to start non-veg since I was a vegetarian. He told me to eat non-veg for some time until I heal. I had to drink that soup for a long time and I used to cry inside.”
BK Shivani replied, “Today people in the West also say ‘You are what you eat.’ Non-veg means vibration of pain. Even if we talk about karma, just to get that taste or even for the health benefits, if someone has to die for us, it is not healthy for us, karma wise and vibrational-wise. It is the energy of death. Vegetarian food has a lot of proteins, search for the source of those proteins and go back to eating vegetarian.”
Shehnaaz further stated, “I have gone back to eating vegetarian, but I was sad because I had to go back to eating non-veg food. I can do anything for my health and I thought it will save me.”
Shehnaaz gained the spotlight after her stint in the 13th season of 'Bigg Boss'. Her strong chemistry with late actor Sidharth Shukla was loved by everyone. However, in 2021, he passed away after suffering a heart attack at the age of 40.
Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan also starred Pooja Hegde, Raghav Juyal, Palak Tiwari, southern star Venkatesh, Jassie Gill, Siddharth Nigam, and Bhumika Chawla.