The anticipation for Shah Rukh Khan Jawan has reached a fever pitch and is constantly on the rise. It's just been a day since SRK dropped the latest intriguing poster revealing his 5 different looks. This has indeed elevated the ever-rising craze for the film and adding more to it, SRK's Warriors FAN Club has decided to recreate his looks from the film while taking the promotions way ahead of what people have seen for superstars' last release Pathaan.
Javed Shaikh, the founder of Shah Rukh Khan Warriors FAN Club, shared, “Last time, we had put up 20,000 posters. This time, we plan to put up 50,000 posters in 50 cities. On August 15, we did charity as well as promotions in 30+ cities. We distributed food among the underprivileged and also provided notebooks to school and college students.”
Taha Jilani from Kannad, Aurangabad along with other fan members went bald just like SRK in Jawan. He further shared, “We were so excited to see Shah Rukh Khan sir’s bald look in Jawan’s Prevue that 4-5 people from our fan club, including me, decided to go bald. Later, 6-7 fans also got motivated and shaved their heads!”
Talking about the public reaction to the bold look, he said, "Logon ko deewangi dikhti hai Khan saab ke liye. It’s quite fun to go around the city with this look and put up posters. Even the onlookers enjoy watching us! We go all out. Even in places where there are no cinemas, we are promoting Jawan.”
Two weeks ago, SRK Universe celebrated the 10th anniversary of Shah Rukh Khan’s blockbuster Chennai Express (2013). Yash Paryani explained, “We held Chennai Express’s screening in 55 cities. It was a promotional activity as the film had a connection with Jawan. Just like Jawan, Chennai Express also had a South angle and featured Priyamani. We played Jawan’s Prevue before the film. The reaction videos went viral.”
'Jawan' is directed by Atlee. The film will be released on September 7th, 2023.