The makers of Ghoomer hosted a special screening for legendary cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, who was joined by his wife Anjali. After watching the film, Sachin shared a video review of the same on his Instagram account. He wrote, “Really enjoyed watching #Ghoomer by #RBalki. It was truly inspirational and should be watched by all youngsters. @juniorbachchan was fantastic as the Coach, @SaiyamiKher looked very authentic, her love for Cricket and her ability to understand the character was amazing. @Imangadbedi was perfect as her constant support and @AzmiShabana ji’s one-liners made my day. Simply loved the film.”
In the video, Sachin said, “Extremely inspiring movie. There are no boundaries where there is passion, will, and dreams. Any target is possible and can be achieved. Over the years I have also realised that there are ups and downs and that is exactly what this movie shows us. But through sports, we learn so many lessons, and they need not be always when you're successful. Failures, injuries, and disappointments teach you a lot in life.”
Reacting to the same, Ghoomer actor Abhishek Bachchan replied, “Dearest Sachin, your words mean the world to us. You know the place you hold in our hearts. Thank you for watching the film.”
Ghoomer shows Saiyami Kher as a differently-abled cricketer. Another viral video shows Sachin asking Saiyami to bowl stating that he wanted to see how she did the difficult job of performing with just one hand. Watch the clip below.
Ghoomer promises to be a cinematic masterpiece that intertwines emotion, drama, and sheer entertainment and is a befitting inspiring human triumphant tale against all odds. Helmed by the acclaimed director R Balki, the film also stars Shabana Azmi, Angad Bedi, Amitabh Bachchan, and Ivanka Das. It was released in theatres on August 18.